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SculpSure Body Contouring Specialist

De Silva Medical

Aesthetic Specialist & Bariatric Medicine located in Antelope Valley, Palmdale, CA

SculpSure is an effective way to shed extra inches, especially in those resistant pockets of fat. Pamela De Silva, MD at De Silva Medical in Palmdale, CA offers this excellent body contouring method to patients throughout the Antelope Valley.

SculpSure Body Contouring Q & A

What Is SculpSure?

SculpSure is a laser technology that uses concentrated light to target stubborn fat deposits in the waist and abdominal area. This type of body sculpting can be an excellent solution for people who have tried to lose the excess fat deposits with diet and exercise without success. SculpSure is not a weight loss solution but is a targeted fat loss solution for specific problem areas.

How Does SculpSure Work?

The SculpSure machine has 4 separate applicators. These applicators can be placed in any spot on the stomach or hip area to target the tough fat deposits. After the SculpSure applicators are placed in the problem areas and secured, the treatment begins, delivering heat deep into the fat cells under the skin. As the treatment is delivered, the SculpSure device uses a steady stream of cooling technology to help keep the patient comfortable. Once the treatment is complete, the targeted fat cells will gradually begin to exit the body over the next couple of weeks. The fat will leave the body harmlessly via the bloodstream. Ultimately, this leaves the patient with a much slimmer appearance in the targeted treatment areas. There is no downtime associated with a SculpSure treatment, so patients can return to work the same day if they wish. Most people experience only a mild feeling of tenderness, swelling, or redness in the first day or two after the treatment. Results may begin to show as early as 6 weeks post-treatment, although the optimal results are usually evident at around the 12-week mark post treatment.

How Long Does a SculpSure Treatment Take?

A SculpSure laser treatment generally takes less than half an hour. In fact, some patients even have the procedure done during their lunch break. The total amount of treatments needed will vary by individual. Some people achieve the results they want with a single treatment while others may find that 2 or more separate treatments are most effective.

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